The Dark Side of Horse Racing
Since 4500 BC Horse racing has been considered the sport of kings. Developed originally by tribes who first domesticated the horse it quickly turned into a thing for the high class. It is one of the most widely spectated sport and is conducted all over the world.It has become famous for its theme days where they encouraged dressing up in extravagant clothing, drinking champagne and betting on a favourite horse. In 1989 over 9 Billion dollars was bet on horses in America alone, and like any high grossing industry there Is a much darker side hiding behind the scenes. Due to the nature of the sport horses are sent to trainers at barely two years old, where they are trained to push as hard as they possibly can. Horses usually stop growing at closer to 4-5 years of age, meaning when they are sent away they are still in the midst of growing. Because of this there can be incredible damage done to a horses body In training and Racing alike. Because of this strain on their bodies they a...